The Basics:

Sex therapy tends to be focused and brief, so you can generally expect anywhere from five to twelve sessions on average. Meetings with your therapist are an hour long and do not involve any touch from the therapists themselves (a common misconception). Sex therapy is talk therapy with take-home exercises to be completed before the next meeting.


Who goes to sex therapy?

Anyone and everyone! We frequently treat couples, individuals, and even work with adolescents toward proper sex-positive education. Sexuality is a fundamental aspect of couple relationships, and yet many couples therapy training programs are lacking in proper education around sexual issues. We cover all the bases with both licensure in couples therapy and certification in sex therapy. 


What brings people to sex therapy?

Our sexual relationships, as well as who we are sexually, develop and change over time. This leaves this aspect of life just as vulnerable to bumps in the road and areas of struggle as our work lives and family relationships. Whether it be difficulties with sexual functioning; self esteem and anxiety; or the consequences of sexual trauma; therapy offers the opportunity to address and overcome whatever struggles bring our clients through the door. The need for intimacy and connection is fundamental to who we are as human beings, why not invest in making the most out of this aspect of our lives?


How do I find the right therapist for me?

We understand that sex is a deeply personal subject and can be very difficult to talk about. Part of our process is to work with new clients to find the therapist who may be the right fit for them. Clients are encouraged to consult with our clinicians, either through a phone conversation, email exchange, or in-office visit, in order to assess what feels like the most comfortable match. 


Want to learn more?

Sex therapy is a combination of traditional psychotherapy, systems theory (family and couples therapy - looking at patterns and process), attachment theory (our individual relationships to distance and closeness in relationships, often learned in childhood), and behavioral therapy. The take-home exercises are inspired by a technique called Sensate Focus developed by Masters and Johnson, some of the early pioneers of sex therapy. Sensate Focus brings the individual into greater relationship with their sensual experience in a mindful, present oriented way, allowing for a more embodied sexuality. Since research tells us that 90% of sexual struggles are anxiety based, this method of working with the mind and body has proven to be immensely successful. For each hour in therapy, the individual or couple will spend roughly half the session discussing and exploring issues pertaining or attached to the presenting problem, and roughly the other half going over and building upon the take home experiences. The logic behind this approach comes from the physical aspect of our expression of sexuality. Since sexuality is experienced both in the mind and to the body, therapy necessitates incorporating both in the treatment. Our bodies are living, breathing entities; the symptoms we struggle with hold valuable information for healing. Sex therapy taps into that wisdom.

Good Faith Estimate

In accordance with the Center for Medicare Services “No Surprises Act”, we are required to provide you with a “Good Faith Estimate” (GFE) at your request. As a client who is self- pay, you are entitled to this information. You provider/therapist is the best resource for information regarding your treatment and its trajectory. Please note, that although we do our best to provide an accurate representation of services needed, psychotherapy is highly individualized and each client moves at their own pace. This can make providing a precise GFE challenging. If you have questions or concerns regarding this GFE, please reach out to the therapist with whom you are working.