Sex Therapy Training: An Introduction

Becoming a Sex Therapist is as exciting as it is challenging. The American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) certifies new therapists each year from all over the globe with innovative and inspiring ideas and perspectives. The training is rigorous, but the result is certification that is recognized and respected in both the therapy and medical fields alike.


AASECT Certification Program

The South Shore Sexual Health Center, LLC, (SSSHC) provides all of the Core Knowledge Courses and Skills Training CEU's needed to become an American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) certified Sex Therapist.

Core Knowledge Courses take place two or three Tuesdays per month, from 5:30 to 8:30pm Eastern Standard Time. The 60 credits of Sex Therapy Skills Training occur during Friday workshops, held from 9am to 4pm Eastern Standard Time, approximately once per month. All of the training is offered live through the virtual platform, Zoom.

We also offer group and individual supervision and the required SAR (Sexual Attitude Reassessment). Both the supervision and the SAR are not included in the cost of the program. 

All of these elements combine to potentially streamline the process of certification to 18 months. Although a significant commitment, the program is designed to minimize interference with typical working hours. We have also constructed a core faculty of certified Sex Therapists and guest speakers to bring in different perspectives and voices from the field. Cultural, sexual, and disability diversity in teachers and students will be sought, and will be a core value of the training. Upon completion of the program, students will not only gain eligibility for AASECT certification, but also a strong sense of who they are as qualified and competent sex therapists.

Tuition for the year program is $5,500 and reflects a discount compared to purchasing courses individually. Courses are offered individually at $120 per Core Knowledge Course (3 CE credits) and $240 per Skills Training course (6 CE credits). 

An informational interview is required to enroll, and can be scheduled by emailing us at


What do I need to accomplish to become certified?

1. Core Knowledge: 90 CEU’s approved by the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) which is the certifying body in North America.


2. Skills Training Intensives: 60 AASECT approved CEU’s in the clinical and relational aspects of Sex Therapy. Learn more


3. Sexual Attitude Reassessment or SAR: This consists of 18 hours over two days of large group activity that includes didactic and experiential discourse. Learn more


4. Clinical Work: Three hundred hours of AASECT supervised clinical practice with patients/clients who present with sexual concerns.


5. Supervision: 50 hours of direct supervision of the 300 hours of sex therapy casework.


Why Become a Sex Therapist?

There is a great demand for Sex Therapists in contemporary society. In Massachusetts, for example, a state with 6,548,000 citizens, there are less than 40 Sex Therapists. AASECT recognizes this problem, and has begun to encourage more regional training and supervision.  

Why Train with SSSHC?

The South Shore Sexual Health Center, LLC (SSSHC) has two resident and certified Sex Therapists and Supervisors of Sex Therapy, and has constructed a program to make becoming a Sex Therapist a little easier. We have organized a specific series of trainings that will offer all of the components for certification. Nationally recognized guest speakers will augment this training. It will be possible in one year to obtain both the 90 Core Knowledge credits and the 60 Sex Therapy Training credits, as well as a SAR and clinical supervision.  The upcoming schedule of course offerings is outlined here

What is the Difference between Core Knowledge and Sex Therapy Skills Training?

Core Knowledge Courses provide students with general knowledge of human sexuality and theoretical foundations for the practice of sex therapy. These courses cover a wide variety of content areas, including ethics, human development, social and cultural factors, health and medical factors, relational therapy, sexual functioning, research, and so much more.

Sex Therapy Skills Training Workshops aim to bring general knowledge and theoretical foundations from the classroom space to the clinical realm. Participants practice applying different models, theories, and methods of sex-related psychotherapy to both their own clinical sex therapy cases, and to case examples produced by the training staff. There is an emphasis on ethical decision making, as well as an understanding of the varied cultural underpinnings in the work of a Sex Therapist.


What is a Sexual Attitude Reassessment (S.A.R.)?

Our thoughts and feelings about sex play a huge role in how we approach our clients and the work that we do as sex therapists, not to mention our personal relationships. As a culture, we are exposed to a wide variety of sexual behavior, prejudice, preference, and lifestyle that we are constantly in the process of internalizing and reacting to. A SAR is designed to inundate participants with sexual material in order to bring awareness to areas of discomfort or bias, and through exploration and discussion, ease the participants into a place of greater comfort and confidence in approaching this work with clients and in life.  

Guest speakers, experiential exercises, media, and journaling are all included in the SAR experience. The two-day course is not only educational, but emotional as participants connect with parts of themselves that can bring up feelings of vulnerability, in all forms. It is a tremendous experience of learning and growth for therapists, partners, educators, medical professionals or anyone interested in expanding and challenging their sexual self awareness.

The tuition for SAR is $600 and is not included in the overall price of the program. Upon completion, you will receive 14 CE credits towards AASECT certification.


Still have questions?

Please contact us at 781-214-0811 or by email at 


Core Knowledge Course Catalogue