As part of your AASECT training, we strongly recommend that you read the following books to develop a deeper understanding of the topics we cover in class and to guide you in your future practice:

1. Binik, Y.M., & Hall, S.K. (2014). Principles and practice of sex therapy (5th edition). NY: Guilford Press.

2. Hertlein, K., Gambescia, N., and Weeks, G. (Eds.) (2020). Systemic sex therapy (3rd edition). NY: Rutledge: Taylor and Francis.

3. Schnarch, D. (2011). Intimacy and desire. NY: Beaufort Press.

4. Weiner, L., & Avery-Clark, C. (2017). Sensate focus in sex therapy. NY: Routledge.

5. Wincze, J., & Weisberg, R. (2015). Sexual dysfunction (3rd edition). NY: Guilford Press.